Did you know that most PTSD-related Mental Health Services are not always covered by private insurance companies? Unless a Veteran or Former First Responder (which includes Dispatchers) obtains a specific medical retirement for PTSD-related issues, they will spend the rest of their lives paying for those services out of pocket - which quickly adds up.
We are a 501(c)(3), Tax Exempt, Non-Profit Organization made up of former Military and First Responders dealing with PTSD and Life after Service. Besides raising awareness, our primary goal is fundraising to offset costs for PTSD-related services for those members who are unable to afford them on their own. A lack of funds should not keep members from getting the help they deserve.
As we continue to grow, it is our deepest hope that we are able to give those struggling with PTSD, and their loved ones, both understanding and access to others who have walked in their shoes and suffer from similar issues. If you or someone you know is a Military Veteran or Former First Responder in need of financial assistance for PTSD-related treatment, send us your (or their) information and one of our members will reach out.
Each and every one of us have put our lives on the line for this Nation and the communities we served. We have shed our blood, sweat, and tears while giving our all, and sacrificing more than most people would ever understand. Now, it's our Time to Heal.
Ever notice how it easy it is to talk about problems with others who have had similar experiences? Whether it is just to sit around and BS or even to process recent events that have triggered a reaction, our bi-weekly Just F'd Up zoom meetings may be just the thing you need. If you are interested in attending a meeting, just shoot us an email or join our mailing list and we will keep you informed on dates and times of upcoming meetings.
Note: As we realize not everyone has the same availabily, the days and times of the meetings will be moved around (some) to allow for more overall participation. If you have a specific day and time that works best for you, drop us a line and we can schedule a meeting for then.
More than 80 percent of first responders experience traumatic events on the job. Due to the fact they face challenging and dangerous situations, military personnel and first responders are at a high risk of developing PTSD as a work-related injury or condition. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), roughly 1 in 3 first responders alone, develop PTSD.
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PTSD Brothers: Brotherhood of Service Podcast currently available on Spotify, Podbean, Tunein, Google, and IHeart Radio.
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